Thursday, October 1, 2009

Rancho Romero... The Land of Memories!

Rancho Romero (circa around 2002ish)

Ah Rancho Romero. My old elementary school. I have so many countless, wonderful memories of this place. I attended this school for 5 years (1999-2004), from 1st to 5th grade. I would do anything to go back to those 5 years of total bliss, where nothing mattered, and the greatest words spoken by your teacher was "no homework on fridays." Everyone was nice to each other, and we all got along. Unfortunately, when we all go off to middle school, that changes. If only the world was more like elementary school....

Above is a picture of Rancho Romero as I remember it. It has been 5 years since I left Rancho Romero, and it looks NOTHING like it did 5 years ago. It's amazing how much can change in 5 years.

Below is Rancho Romero now:

My Picture of Rancho (circa August 2009) 

Another picture of Rancho (circa May 2010)

Many of the blog post here will take place at Rancho Romero, just so you know. This post is just an introduction to some of the post about Rancho.

 School Message Board

Vintage Sign in front of the school